One of the very important stages in the process of laying tiles on the walls is the preparation of glue for it, since with incorrect preparation it subsequently may appear problems that are associated with wall decoration with tiles. It is necessary to follow the instructions with this manufacturer. It is better to prepare a small portion of glue, which will be spent without a trace after 2-3 hours, since the glue will dry out after this time. In addition, you need to adhere to the proportion and mix the mixture thoroughly. Excess or insufficient amount of water affects its composition.
After stirring the adhesive, you should wait until it is infused. This will take 10 minutes, and after that it is worth stiring the glue. Then you can already proceed to its use. To apply the solution on the wall surface, you need a gear spatula. Thanks to its teeth, the glue can be distributed with uniform waves. By purchasing a house, questions may arise. To resolve them, you should contact a real estate lawyer. By the way, real estate consultations on Pravoved will provide experienced specialists quickly, efficiently and inexpensively or free.
Next, you can proceed to direct laying of the finishing material. The tile should be applied by the lower line of the back somewhere at an angle of 85 degrees. Then it must be quickly pressed from the bottom up to put it in the right place. And excess glue until he hardened, it is worth removing. In addition, one should not forget about the seams between individual tiles. They are controlled by means of special crosses, which are designed specifically for laying tiles. Thanks to them, the thickness of the seams is the same. At the very end, put the tile that is cut. To cut the one that does not fit the whole on the wall, use a special tool – tile cutter. After laying the tiles on the wall, it is carefully washed from the solution with a damp rag. Glue dries somewhere in a day. Complete the process of laying tiles on the wall, wiping the seams. In this case, they fill them with grout using a rubber spatula.