Sooner or later, we are faced with the need to replace the heating batteries, because over time they either fail and start leaking or simply cannot cope with the task and do not heat the room in full. To solve this responsible and difficult problem, you need to not only choose the type of battery suitable for all parameters, but also set the device qualitatively. The replacement of the battery is carried out on the basis of the prepared project and in the warm season, when heating is disconnected. In winter, the installation of new batteries is possible only in emergency situations.
First, we will figure out the types of batteries used to heat. Water heating radiators are divided into sectional and panel, produced from various materials. So, cast iron radiators are suitable for hard -fuel heating systems, they have great heat, they are practical, reliable, resistant to corrosion. For autonomous heating systems, aluminum radiators are used, which can be controlled using thermostatic valves. Such batteries heat the room faster than cast -iron “counterparts”. The most economical bimetallic batteries made of aluminum and steel used for heating public and industrial buildings, private and high -rise buildings, garages and other facilities are considered. They are characterized by high heat transfer, able to withstand high pressure, resistant to corrosion, differ in a variety of design and slight weight. The heat production of steel (panel) radiators is between similar indicators of cast -iron and aluminum batteries, and corrosion resistance is quite high. For their production, steel stamped sheets are used, finished products are covered with heat -resistant enamel. Distinguish one-, two – and three -row steel (panel) radiators. In addition to these, tubular radiators are used.
Before performing work on replacing batteries, you must first calculate the heat consumed in the building. When choosing the radiator itself, it is necessary to take into account not only the place of placement, but also the heating system (central or autonomous), the level of pressure in it, the purpose of the room and other parameters.
If the house has autonomous heating, then the best option will be panel steel radiators. If the building is not very high quality, and there are a large working pressure in the pipes, then cast iron, bimetallic or aluminum batteries are used.
Independent replacement of heating batteries is extremely undesirable, therefore, if such work arises, you need to contact specialized companies.